Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 5 '21 eng>rus to bring you down см. ниже pro closed ok
4 Dec 15 '20 eng>rus get a kick out of crushing someone тебе доставлет удовольствие pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '20 rus>eng зашибать халтуры gig jobs pro closed ok
4 Jul 18 '18 rus>eng им отведен короткий век their lives would be cut short pro closed ok
4 Jul 18 '18 rus>eng стремление "к достопамятности" seeking preservation for years to come pro closed no
- Jul 6 '18 rus>eng отнимать время у ночи burn the midnight oil pro closed no
- Jun 24 '18 rus>eng отложилось в памяти рядом историй imprinted in his memory pro closed no
4 Oct 28 '13 eng>rus bristled with scaffold poles ощетинившееся строительными лесами pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '12 eng>rus Speech interferes with the focusing powers of the mind речь влияет на способность мозга концентрироваться pro closed no
- Mar 15 '11 eng>rus manage to start the long process умудряются начать продолжительный процесс pro closed no
4 Mar 15 '11 eng>rus delivers a plot beat развитие/поворот сюжета pro closed no
- Mar 15 '11 eng>rus "important" in any specific sense влиятельные, значительные люди pro closed no
- Oct 11 '10 rus>eng Вера жива делами faith is alive by actions easy closed ok
- Mar 15 '10 eng>rus mid-speech XXX встрял в выступление на середине pro closed no
- Mar 10 '09 eng>rus three fingers of brandy стопка бренди pro closed no
- Mar 3 '09 rus>eng проклятый darn lock pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '08 rus>eng За своими людьми? To get/fetch his people? pro just_closed no
- Oct 30 '08 rus>eng Сейчас попрут так, что мало не покажется they will come down on us like hell pro closed no
- Oct 28 '08 eng>rus spot up, to one side инструкции для оператора света pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '08 eng>rus Poland 868, Poland 527 P868/P527 pro closed no
- Oct 27 '08 rus>eng Еще совсем не пыльная листвa... leafage, not at all dusty, pro closed no
- Sep 24 '08 eng>rus cricketing qualities мужские достоинства easy just_closed no
4 May 6 '08 eng>rus Town’s treatment фамилия - Чарльз Таунс pro closed no
- Feb 21 '08 rus>eng не хочу, не умею и не понимаю I have neither desire(wish) nor ability to understand ... pro closed ok
- Dec 30 '07 rus>eng освещенный желтыми огнями flooded with yellow lights pro closed no
- Feb 22 '07 eng>rus make constant waves of expression break forth over his face он слушал и его лицо все время искажалось от чувств, выражаемых то крыльями носа, то глазами,то ртом pro closed no
- Aug 8 '06 eng>rus freek alternate to freak/ greek female/ ... pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '06 eng>rus It will do for now пока ограничимся этим pro closed no
4 Jul 30 '06 eng>rus if wanting were your motive А если бы ты мог чего-то хотеть, то чтобы это было? pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '06 rus>eng не каждому дается в руки not everyone can lay hands on it pro closed no
4 May 15 '06 eng>rus one balmy afternoon погожий полдень pro closed ok
- May 8 '06 rus>eng площадка (перед мостом) on the bridge ramp pro closed ok
- May 1 '06 rus>eng были такими непоседами were full of beans pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered