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Search results: (117 matches)
Translation in the US ATA Certification - CE points Hi guys, I've been wondering if anyone here,
who is ATA certified, ever failed to get their
required 20 CE points. The ATA website is very
vague as to what happens when you do and what
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 16, 2016
Trados support "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException, mscorlib" error when opening Studio 2011 Trying to setup my Trados Studio 2011 after some
system changes and after the language selection I
get an error message "The system cannot find the
file specified." My UAC is disabled
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Apr 28, 2015
Polish Praca licencjacka - Texan dialect in 'No country for old men' Skopane tłumaczenie McCarthy pisze trudno. I tematycznie, i
składniowo. Trzeba naprawdę dobrze się
wczytać, żeby wiedzieć, kiedy kończy się
narracja a zaczyna dialog albo monolog
wewnętrzny. To n
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Feb 6, 2015
Trados support Error: Failed to save target content: Placeholder was moved. And it happened again With a very similar file. I wonder if there is
something wrong in one of the TM segments that get
automatically seeded...
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Nov 19, 2012
Trados support Error: Failed to save target content: Placeholder was moved. No luck I have to disappoint you, I haven't found a
solution to the problem. Jerzy Czopik very kindly
had a look at it and even he could not figure it
out. Ended up manually copy/pasting the
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison May 17, 2012
Money matters Trados match matrix rates My 2 cents My 'sliding scale' is simple (accounting is
complicated enough, I don't need % of rates to
make it even more tedious): 100% - $0 if they
come from client's TM and I do not touch
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison May 4, 2012
Polish transfery zagraniczne Żeby była jasność... Będziesz płacić klientowi za to, że łaskawie
wypłaci Ci Twoje zarobione pieniądze (który to
przelew ich nic nie kosztuje) i w dodatku
zapłacisz coś około 3,5% wartości przelewu
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Apr 16, 2012
Trados support Error: Failed to save target content: Placeholder was moved. I have just translated a fairly large bilingual
workbench file in Studio 2011 and when I'm trying
to do "Save target as" this is the error I'm
getting (Failed to save content: Placeholder
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Apr 16, 2012
Trados support Trados 2007 not opening I'm at a complete loss when it comes to ideas
about what went wrong and what to do to fix the
situation. I was working on some ttx files in
TagEditor+Workbench, all good, no issues. Had
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Mar 16, 2012
Social networking Language Related Tweets One more: @translapolish Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Mar 7, 2012
Polish Czy to się opłaca??? Tomek, daj no ten scyzoryk [quote]travcurrit wrote: 15 USD / godzinę...
no nie wymarzona zarobka, ale też nie tak źle,
nawet w stanach. [/quote] Nie wiem w jakich
Stanach, za takie pieniądze to ja nawet
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Dec 16, 2011
Polish Czy to się opłaca??? ... [quote]travcurrit wrote: minimum z angielskiego
na polski (sądziłbym, że tłumaczenie 'na'
polski robią głównie tłumaczy w Polsce) to
0,08 USD -- i "standard" to 0,011,
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Dec 15, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) . Install directly on Parallels. Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Nov 21, 2011
Business issues Yet again, more paperwork Not bad [quote]Vidmantas Stilius wrote: An agency I've
worked for quite regularly for 5 years or so now
approaches me asking about my rates.
[/quote] It's a perfect occasion to raise them.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Nov 11, 2011
Trados support MultiTerm Convert Error: "Index was outside the bounds of the array" What worked What actually worked was creating a new Excell
sheet and then manually copying and pasting the
entries. By manually I mean not copying entire
columns - that did not work - but highlightin
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Nov 4, 2011
Trados support MultiTerm Convert Error: "Index was outside the bounds of the array" Same error I'm getting the exact same error. Another sheet
from the same file got converted without problems,
this one keeps throwing an error. Excel
2007 Multiterm 2011
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Nov 4, 2011
Polish Konferencja ATA Boston Podbijam temat konferencja już blisko i może jednak ktoś
z prozian się wybiera?
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Oct 24, 2011
Polish Konferencja ATA Boston Czy ktoś z koleżanek lub kolegów mieszkających
w USAch (albo i nie) wybiera się na konferencję
ATA w październiku? Jakiś mały polski powwawek
by można z tej okazji zorganizować.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Sep 22, 2011
Business issues Client disappeared For the future... All my private clients have to pay me before I
deliver the translation to them - be it in cash if
they're picking it up in person, or bank transfer
or PayPal if I e-mail/mail the translati
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 29, 2011
Polish rodzaj męski jako domyślny? they Jak najbardziej, zawsze kiedy nie chcemy używać
rodzaju (pisząc, na przykład, o firmie też).
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 17, 2011 profile help What should I improve? Ok, messed with some settings, they should be really
gone now. Thanks for letting me know, Tomas, I'd
be blissfully unaware of that.

[Edited at
2011-08-05 21:07 GMT]
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 5, 2011 profile help What should I improve? I did... ... and I still don't see my rates. Curious... Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 5, 2011 profile help What should I improve? Calendar I tend to update the calendar once a month, so
maybe I just might not do it at all:) - good
point. As to the rates - indeed I chose not to
show them in my profile. Can you really see the
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 5, 2011 profile help What should I improve? I keep messing with my profile and my CV to try
and implement other people's general advise, yet I
have the nagging feeling that I'm missing
something crucial. I'd appreciate any input.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 5, 2011
Translator resources Planning for translation projects - Help me Same here... ... I tend to keep a Post-it note stuck to the
desk close to keyboard - well in sight and hard
to loose among other papers. Usually all the info
I need in it is client's name+job
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Aug 1, 2011
Polish Jaka jest najlepsza stwaka za godzine aststowania pacjenta w szpitalu? PL-NL Nie widzę problemu... Twoja normalna stawka za tłumaczenie ustne. Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 29, 2011
Spanish Programa gestión clientes y facturas para MAC Billings Yo uso Billings que es hecho para Mac.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 26, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) Did you make sure you've installed all the Windows updates ? Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 20, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Does good website = business boost? Thanks for a really good discussion guys! @Ambrose - yeah, thanks, I've just realized that
myself. I must have done something weird when I
was messing with it last time. Well, I guess
this proves that I'm a complete noob and tha
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 19, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Does good website = business boost? I do have a website... it just seems like it's not doing any work for me,
hence the plans to redesign and optimize it. Maybe
I'm expecting too much from it?
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) You got it wrong :) Parallels just lets you run another operating
system on your Mac. It may be Windows, it may be
Linux, if you're so inclined. You still need to
purchase and install the OS itself though.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) Windows I was running XP for the longest time, then caved
and bought Win7, works like a charm and actually
better than XP did. Latest Parallels version is
6, I don't see a reason to buy an outda
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Does good website = business boost? True... [quote]Peter Linton wrote: You have answered your
own question. Reaching you via translator websites
gives you credibility that a solo website in the
outer reaches of the Google solar sys
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Does good website = business boost? @Victor Exactly. Thus my question (directed at those who
have invested in it) is - is it worth the money
you spent on it?
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) Convenience While BootCamp is free and included in your OS, it
requires you to choose which system you want to
work on. Parallels lets you work on both Windows
and Mac at the same time.

Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Does good website = business boost? @Tomas: Oh no, no way, I'm not going to clone myself
multiculturally and multiracially and sit at a
meeting table :) I don't even have a meeting
table... @Lingua 5B: Yes, I guess marketing
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Trados on Mac (via parallels or boot camp) Yup, no problems I have Windows 7 with Trados on Parallells. The
good thing about Parallels is that with the
Coherence view you are basically working on
Windows applications in Mac environment, you can
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Marketing for language professionals Does good website = business boost? I'm thinking about getting my website
professionally re-designed and I started wondering
how much should it be worth to me. So my question
to those of you who have invested in the online
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 18, 2011
Trados support Error while loading application plug-ins I have indeed... ...
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jul 3, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Certificates: translating what's written on a stamp or seal ... I do translate what's on the seal, unless it's
illegible and I'd say anything that would require
me to use magnifying glass would be described as
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Jun 1, 2011
Trados support Error while loading application plug-ins The day has finally come - my very first Trados
error:) It was working fine yesterday, it's
having a tantrum today and it won't open. The
message I'm getting is: "An unexpected error ha
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Mar 25, 2011
Office applications An urgent warning about Word for Mac 2011 Parallels... I've had way too many issues with Word:mac 2004 so
I gave up and submitted part of my lovely mac
machine to the Windows contamination... I do still
prefer to use Pages if I have a choice a
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Mar 15, 2011
Polish Prywatny ranking potworków m(i)odowy [quote]maciejm wrote: [quote]Joanna
Wachowiak-Finlaison wrote: [Modowy] we
wszelkich konfiguracjach i kolorach.
[/quote] "Modowy" = dotyczący mody ("Modowa
wpadka gwiazdy x"
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Mar 8, 2011
Polish Prywatny ranking potworków Modowy... we wszelkich konfiguracjach i kolorach.
Zdrobnienia wszelakie, kojarzące mi się z
menelem spod budki proszącym o pieniążki na
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Mar 8, 2011
Apple/Mac operating systems Polish font shortcuts from Mac not working in some Windows apps Thanks Jurek! I was wondering if there was a way of making
Windows stop thinking that mac "option" key is
"alt" but modyfying the shortcuts will work, too.
The only problem is, I'll have to do that for<
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Sep 27, 2010
Apple/Mac operating systems Polish font shortcuts from Mac not working in some Windows apps ... Yeah, I meant Wordfast Plus. Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Sep 26, 2010
Apple/Mac operating systems Polish font shortcuts from Mac not working in some Windows apps Word is the one working without problems. I've tried to re-assign shortcuts in Wordfast, but
the ones I've reassigned are still not working and
anyway I couldn't find a full list...
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Sep 26, 2010
Apple/Mac operating systems Polish font shortcuts from Mac not working in some Windows apps Hi guys, I have a following setup: MacBook Pro
OSX + Parallels 6 + Windows XP I use Polish PRO
keyboard and it works perfectly with all Mac apps
AND Microsoft Office Word on Windows.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Sep 26, 2010
Polish Praca freelancera a pomysł na życie Mam najlepszą szefową na świecie:) Rower albo spinning, trzy albo cztery razy w
tygodniu. Rower w parku o 9 rano, kiedy jest tam
pustawo jest rewelacją.
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison May 11, 2010
Polish wystawa Ano tak sobie w kąciku wiszą i prawie bym je
przegapiła. Za to Artur Żmijewski rzuca się w
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison Nov 13, 2009

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