Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 10 '18 esl>eng solución de continuidad break in continuity - or - discontinuity pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '13 esl>eng testimonio de: acta notarial declarativa certified copy of a notarised declaration pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '12 esl>eng escritura pública de protocolización del pacto social y de las reformas officially attested instrument recording the constitution of the company and any amendments thereto pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '11 esl>eng con expresión de los pronunciamientos que impugna with details of the objections to the decision pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '11 esl>eng procede resolver it is appropriate to grant the petition pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '11 esl>eng Intervienen The undermentioned persons act in the capacities indicated: pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '11 esl>eng Leído que le fue se afirma y ratifica y firma After this document was read to him, he confirmed, ratified and signed the same. pro closed no
- Jun 3 '11 esl>eng acepto el requerimiento que queda concluido con lo anterior I have acceded to the request made to me, as evidenced by the foregoing. pro open no
- May 31 '11 esl>eng Y leída que fue íntegramente por mí, el Notario, la presente escritura a la comp And after reading over of the present instrument to the appearer by me, the notary, she finds it ... pro open no
- Apr 3 '11 esl>eng Cumplido el Tramite de contestacion A defence to the petition having been filed, pro closed no
4 Apr 3 '11 esl>eng Se declara a dicha parte en situacion.. The said party is declared to be in default of procedural requirements pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '10 esl>eng sea declarada con lugar con todos los pronunciamientos de ley be declared well founded and that all appropriate rulings be made pro closed no
- Oct 28 '10 esl>eng advertir el ortogante de su derecho a hacerlo por si after advising the grantor/signatory of his right to do so for himself pro open no
- Sep 23 '10 esl>eng compensar las costas del procedimiento por tratarse de litis the dispute being between spouses, it is appropriate to order the parties to bear their own costs pro closed ok
4 May 19 '10 esl>eng Notario sucesor en el protocolo a notary taking over the records of a predecessor pro closed ok
- May 3 '10 esl>eng con el consentimiento file a consensual petition pro closed no
4 May 2 '10 esl>eng derecho de aportación capital duty pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '10 esl>eng Concentración de Capitales Raising of capital pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '10 esl>eng norma reguladora a provision governing.... pro closed no
4 Apr 30 '10 esl>eng Por el presente acto, XX, da en arrendamiento a YY, para quien arrienda y acepta XX hereby leases to YY, on whose behalf the latter´s representative agrees and accepts the lease pro closed ok
4 Apr 27 '10 esl>eng extremos do not fall within any of the categories mentioned in Article ,,, pro closed no
4 Apr 20 '10 esl>eng Al margen referenciado the reference of which is given in the margin easy closed no
- Apr 4 '10 esl>eng previos los tramites legales correspondientes subject to prior fulfilment of the legally prescribed requirements pro closed ok
4 Jan 28 '10 esl>eng la normativa que la desarrolla the rules for its implementation pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '10 esl>eng auto resenado abovementioned order pro closed ok
- Sep 18 '09 esl>eng parte denunciada complainee pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '09 esl>eng vencidas, líquidas y exigibles both debts are due, for a liquidated sum and enforceable pro closed no
- Aug 30 '09 esl>eng “intervención” de las facultades del deudor examination of the debtor's exercise of its powers (of management and disposal of its assets). pro just_closed no
- Aug 30 '09 esl>eng tramitan los autos proceedings are pending pro open no
- Aug 27 '09 esl>eng concurso de antecedentes o de oposición competition based on qualifications or tests pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '09 esl>eng término de emplazamiento time-limit for entering an appearance pro closed ok
4 Aug 6 '09 esl>eng notas marginales autorizadas authorised marginal notes pro closed no
- Aug 5 '09 esl>eng queda anotada esta saca on which a note of the issue hereof has been made. pro open no
- May 15 '09 esl>eng casado en segundas nupcias married in second nuptials pro closed ok
- Mar 4 '09 esl>eng conferir jerarquía superior attributes primacy pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '09 esl>eng consejo general del notariado espanol General Council of the Spanish Notariat pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '08 esl>eng a cuya virtud el demandado debe responder de and therefore the defendant is also answerable for pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '08 esl>eng interversión "transposition" pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '08 esl>eng Dirección General de Trabajo Directorate General for Employment pro closed ok
- Jun 14 '08 esl>eng los autos caratulados the proceedings bearing the intitulement pro closed ok
4 May 6 '08 esl>eng "estandarizar" las garantías procesales "a la baja" reduce safeguards in legal proceedings to the lowest common standard pro closed no
- May 5 '08 esl>eng al final de esta matriz annexed to the original of this document pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '07 esl>eng tomar conocimiento de lo actuado y instar la práctica de diligencias to be apprised of steps taken and apply for further steps and any actrion conducive to their rights pro closed no
4 Dec 4 '07 esl>eng una vez personados en la cause once they have become parties to the proceedings pro closed no
4 Nov 30 '07 esl>eng se publica con cierta demora the CPI is published somewhat belatedly pro closed no
- Nov 15 '07 esl>eng mutuas de accidentes de trabajo, enfermedades profesionales de Seguridad Social Mutual Funds for accidents at work and occupational illness linked to the Social Security Scheme pro just_closed no
- Nov 1 '07 esl>eng engaño constitutivo deception amounting to fraud pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '07 esl>eng satisfacción procesal o carencia sobrevenida where there has been a settlement or the proceedings have become devoid of purpose pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '07 esl>eng En su virtud, procede y Accordingly.. [see below] pro closed no
- Oct 21 '07 esl>eng obligacion convenida en tiempo oportuno ... GMK failed to fulfil its contractual obligation when it fell due. pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered