Diversification for Freelancers : More Money and New Skills

Format: Videos
Topic: Grow your translation business

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 70 mins.

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Summary:Put into practice diversifications strategies to earn more, have a better work-life balance, learn new skills and avoid boredom and ennui of work.
The course enables established and upcoming freelancers experiment and practice new diversifications strategies. Once artfully deployed, these strategies generate :

1. More money
2. More flexible work schedules
3. Variation in work
4. Learning new skills and making new connections
Target audience
1. Established freelancers
2. Exploring the freelance arena from the periphery
3. Agency owners of small agencies who have already established supply chains for translation services but are unaware of the hidden value in the supply chains for other diversified products and services
4. Trainers
5. Writers on freelancing, translation and translation industry
Learning objectives
The video has 2 modules with concepts in the first module and their practice and outcomes. The trainer would take cue from his own and other's actual experience in thinking out and implementing the strategies. The course intends to deliver

1. The need and opportunities of diversification for target audience
2. Transforming diversification into increased financial gain, flexible working schedule, honing one's unknown and unknowable (untill you practice) skills and inner potential.
3. Variety and multi-skilled work-life with balance
4. Few areas of diversification : content, cultural consulting, writing, language training, teaching, authoring and others, like cultural detective work.
5. Practical, do-able and already experimented strategies for diversification in the above areas and more.
1. Moderate to high level of exposure to freelancing, online business
2. Ownership of an intangible called curiosity, to do other things, to learn new skills
3. Interest to practice something outside one's existing workzones and desire to transform this into income and further augmentation of skills
4. Wish to learn new skills and be out of one's comfort zone
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1. Why diversification?
2. How do I do this?
3. In which area?
4. Area specific examples and skills
5. Benefits, challenges and art of balance
Registration & payment information
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Participation fee includes:

• unlimited access to the webinar recording.

How do I get access t the video?

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Click here to watch the video.

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Created by
Pritam Bhattacharyya    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Pritam Bhattacharyya is essentially a Bengali/Sylheti/Assamese linguist with 11 years of experience. He is the Founder and Chief Wordsmith of an agency called Wordsmith Communication. which apart from language services in pan-Indic languages provides Creative Content and Print on Demand Services. He is editor of www.pentasect.com - a bilingual (English / Bengali) cultural monthly ezine on Greater Bengal. He had worked as a Telecom Engineer and later as a IP Network Manager in various cross-cultural Telecom teams worldwide. He holds his Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Masters in Communication Management from Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow. Pritam lives and works in Calcutta, India his city by adoption. His b-log on translation and online business can be seen here at http://wordsmithofbengal.wordpress.com
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