What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating the cartel-sentencing guidelines of CADE, the Brazilian competition agency.


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

I am working on the guide for competition compliance of the Brazilian antitrust authority, 12707 words, PT>EN. You can access the source document here: https://cdn.cade.gov.br/Portal/centrais-de-conteudo/publicacoes/guias-do-cade/guia-compliance-versao-oficial.pdf


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

I am studying a competition compliance course of the Brazilian antitrust authority.


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

I am working on an institutional PT-EN glossary for the Brazilian antitrust authority.


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

I just finished a translation, and I am now studying competition law for future works. https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/publications/competitive-harm-crossing-borders-regulatory-gaps-and-a-way-forwa


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

I just finished a translation, and I am now studying competition law for future works. https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/publications/competitive-harm-crossing-borders-regulatory-gaps-and-a-way-forwa


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on a news article, pt_BR>en_GB, 397 words


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Reviewing the translation of a news article, pt_BR>en_GB, 376 words


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Editing a translation of a news article, pt_BR>en_GB, 803 words


1 userI Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished translating a news article for the Brazilian antitrust authority, 329 words, pt_BR>en_GB


1 userI Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on a legal document for the Brazilian antitrust autorithy, 686 words, pt_BR>en_GB


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

I am working on an Order from the Administrative Tribunal of CADE, the Brazilian Antitrust Autority, pt_BR>en_GB, 1513 words.


I Do That

Nathália Oliveira Silva posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished a news article, Portuguese to English, 533 words, for CADE (the Brazilian antitrust authority). Time for a coffee break!


I Do That