Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators


Your professional team for your translations into French, Galician and Spanish

Lexitrad is a legally established partnership located in Vigo, Galicia, in the north-west of Spain. Our team is currently formed by Sofía Godino Villaverde and Fabien Champême, two freelance translators who joined forces in 2002 to offer translation and localisation services to private clients and translation agencies.
Team language pairs 15
  • inglês para francês
  • espanhol para francês
  • francês para espanhol
  • galego para espanhol
  • português para espanhol
  • francês para galego
  • espanhol para galego
  • português para galego
Team leader
Fabien Champême
Fabien Champême
Technical Translator EN>FR - ES>FR
<b><i>Technical Translator EN>FR - ES>FR</i></b>
Freelance technical translator since January, 2002. Language Pairs: English to French Spanish to French
Team members 2
Sofía Godino Villaverde
Sofía Godino Villaverde
Sworn Translator FR>GL>FR
Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de Vigo, España

Traductora jurada en las combinaciones FRANCÉS>GALLEGO>FRANCÉS (habilitación de la Xunta de Galicia)

Traductora autónoma desde 1999.

Lengua materna: bilingüe castellano/gallego

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