Kind words from members

Testimonials and success stories from current paying members.

Member testimonials

Find premium clients
It's definitely worth it. I've been a registered user at since 2002, but only started getting jobs through the site after becoming a member. The membership fee paid back after the first order.
I received a job offer in my first week of joining!
Lucy Teasdale
United Kingdom
Wielu z moich najlepszych klientów znalazło mnie właśnie poprzez
A me, scoperto nel 2003 navigando, ha portato una vera e propria nuova carriera globale. Scoprendo mi si è aperta una carriera a livello globale con clienti da tutte le parti del mondo e nel giro di pochi mesi. Io lo consiglio.
I have been a member since 2004 and I renew every year. I have been a member of Professional Plus since the first year. I find it's a good publicity for me and Plus offers many services that are quite useful. I also use the terminology. I never look for jobs on their platform, but I receive many requests from potential outsourcers, almost every day, ready to pay what I ask for. I translate for the French Canada market, which happens to be a very vibrant market that attracts many American, and European companies as well as Asian. Every product that is imported must be translated into French for the Quebec market (not French from France) along with all government texts because there are two official languages in Canada. It’s paradise for translators.
Годовой членский взнос окупился после первого заказа.
In quite many cases, the very first order won via more than covers the annual membership dues.
I'm still in shock that we got the (popular children's character) contract -- it involves work that will go more than a year. And where did the editor-in-chief at their corporate offices in NYC, find me? At my profile on I tell you, I've never gotten so much out of so little investment.
Bill Greendyk
United States
Being a paid member for 2 years now not only tripled my clients, but also gave them trust and confidence to use my language services repeatedly. I am totally satisfied with membership benefits, including the support has given me throughout the years and counting.
United States es la plataforma por excelencia que permite al traductor encontrar más trabajo. En este espacio profesional uno encuentra además la respuesta a toda pregunta relacionada con la traducción. Cada actividad organizada por es impecable y 100% fiable. Realmente vale la pena pagar la cuota de membresía anual. has been the greatest marketing tool I've used. My investment paid off really quickly and now I have more and better clients.
Paula Borges
United Kingdom is terrific. I would not have a translation career without these past 7 years as a member. Between the technology and the global marketplace provided by, there's never been a better time to be a translator. No, no translation career. Thanks!
While I have been part of the community for more than five years, I just became a member last month. I cannot believe how many contacts I have made since becoming a (paying) member... I have three new clients and these are some of the best clients I have ever had.
I am really happy that I`ve joined the family, I have always been satisfied with this work group.
I hope after 30 yrs, I will say these things again!
Thank you all!
Thank you for your effort! I find it very useful.

Get and give professional advice
Sites like work for you 24 hours, even when you sleep. landed me two regular end clients, and I got many other jobs, not to speak about digital exposure. I ask all my clients how they found me and why they selected me, and not someone else. The answer is always the same: my online activity, especially in terminology help, translation contests, etc… alone offers more than 50 features that can help you create yourself and your brand. The sooner you start, the sooner you will start earning experience and money. is not only our workplace, it's also a worldwide, developing community of people in translation business.
Gabor Kun
Hungary is a new higher level society and new way of thinking for translators!
Bır de 10 yıllık üyelik ücreti olmasi gerekir. Onun daha avantajli bir fiyati vardi. Ben vakti zamaninda 10 yil için üye olmustum. Pek dogal olarak bunun fiyati senelik üyelige göre daha avantajli idi.
Türkiye has acted as my guide. With my membership, I'm a happy, fully-fledged freelancer and I can safely say that I wouldn't be where I am today without the knowledge that I have gained from the site or the friendly community support network. Thank you!
Rebecca Hendry
United Kingdom
U vielmi mnohich vypadkach samaja pieršaja zamova, atrymanaja praz, bolš čym całkam pakryvaje hadavy ŭniosak.
This past year has been great. I woke up one morning deciding to go back to translating full time but I was not 100% sure that my decision was the right one. I left my "safe" English teaching job and recontacted my old clients. It didn't take long and I was soon back on track. Thanks to ProZ I have made contacts with new agencies around the world. I have met colleagues worldwide and found new friends... Words are my passion and this is the ideal job for me with growing children who love to see me around. My small office at home is not a lonely place at all and may I say I have never been happier. Thanks
This is simply the best, most comprehensive support network and best moderated web site I could wish for as a translator.
Anne Lee
United Kingdom

Add enjoyment to your work
I am regularly headhunted by prospective clients, because they've seen my profile on That's why I stay.
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Je suis satisfait d'être membre payant. J'ai même rempilé pour 5 ans.
I've met several good translators here and get plenty of interesting work on a regular basis directly through my profile. That alone is worth the price of membership.

A few months ago I bid on a job because it called my name. The poster happily agreed to my rate and we've been working together ever since!
Elizabeth Adams
United States
The initiative to conduct video meetings to assess the main areas of need demonstrates's commitment to understanding the challenges professional linguists face. Staff's subsequent work on addressing these identified needs has been nothing short of exemplary. The results speak for themselves. The setup and building of my website, the domain selection, and their overall technical expertise will significantly improve my online presence. Site staff efforts will streamline my operations and enhance my ability to reach my audience effectively. Their contributions have made a significant difference to me. I look forward to more years of productive collaboration.
For the past months as I begun my membership in ProZ it has been nothing but excitement, fun, learning and giving, as well as meeting colleagues, working with them, receiving the help many times needed and a great place to step into. Life becomes easier with people like you backing us!
Стать членом сайта, безусловно, стоит. Я зарегистрирована на с 2002 г., но работу через этот сайт стала получать только после того, как приобрела членство. Годовой членский взнос окупился после первого заказа.
I've been paying membership for 3 years and it helped me a lot in finding new clients. Now I'm overwhelmed with jobs.
Become a member (the membership fee will definitely pay off), answer KudoZ questions, get some WWA and don't forget to fill out your profile completely.
En lo personal, considero que la inscripción en es una de las mejores inversiones de mi vida.
In 3 years as a Proz member I have got quite a lot of work through having a profile here. That's the keyword: p r o f i l e.
Tom in London
United Kingdom is my main “marketing tool”. I have no doubt that has contributed tremendously to my professional growth, and not just because of my profile, but also because of the site's excellent tools and resources. I am very happy with services. I guess what I am trying to say is: Wow, I’m impressed!
After several years of free membership I decided to change its status to a paid member ... and I regret that I waited so long!
Monika Rozwarzewska
United Kingdom
Po kilku latach bezpłatnego członkostwa zdecydowałam się zmienić swój status na członka płatnego i… żałuję, że tak długo zwlekałam!
Monika Rozwarzewska
United Kingdom
Ora che sono membro pagante mi si sono aperte moltissime porte, ho potuto allargare la mia rete di clienti (grazie alla Blue Board) e si vedono già i primi risultati.
In 2023, I began shutting down my freelance translator work. At 77, I am embarking on new challenges, but always related to the linguistic skills that ProZ helped me to hone.

I began translating professionally in 1992 and I was one of the first adherents to ProZ. I have watched it grow and expand, and it has been a great help to me, especially in the early years in garnering clients that I worked with for nearly two decades in some cases. The KudoZ terminology tools were essential in helping me build my own glossaries for the types of jobs I was involved in. I recall the names of colleagues that I never had the chance to meet in person but with whom I interacted on the KudoZ platform. It has been a truly rewarding experience.
Edgar Potter
United States