memoQ cat tool video

Format: Videos
Topic: memoQ

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 1.30 mins aprox

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Summary:This video is a demonstration and overview on memoQ cat tool.
Video on memoQ cat tool
Target audience:

• Translators who have never used cat tools.
• Beginner CAT tool users.
• CAT tool users who want to gain an insight on the benefits of the different tools available in the market.
Topics covered during the presentation
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  • PowerPoint presentation presenting the key data of the company
  • Screenshots showing the main modules of the software
  • The PowerPoint presentation will be available after the session

Demonstration of the system
  • 1.The translation memory is prefilled with demo data (tmx file will be available for the participants)
  • 2.The terminology database is prefilled with a couple of entries (csv file will be available for the participants)
  • 3.Translation of a Word document as an example showing the key features of the translation process:
  • a.Project creation/ import of the document / opening a document
  • b.Definition of the language combination and integrating a TM and a terminology database for this specific language combination
  • c.The translation environment and the translation process
  • d.Finishing a translation
  • e.Exporting the translation /creating the translation

Price and access information
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Price : 15 USD

To purchase access to this video please visit this link:

Video on memoQ cat tool
Created by
Nicole Keller    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Dr. Nicole Keller holds a degree in translation from English and Spanish to German, having studied at the Institute of Translating and Interpreting in Heidelberg, Germany. After two and a half years of working in the industry, she went back to school and earned her Ph.D., focusing on terminology databases and their integration into the translation memory environment. In 2004 she began lecturing at the Institute of Translating and Interpreting, specializing in the comparison of translation memory systems and terminology databases. She also integrated these tools into hands-on English into German translation courses.

Today she is a part-time university lecturer in Heidelberg, a freelance trainer and consultant for translation tools technology, and still works as a freelance translator.