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ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014


Managing client expectations

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Schedule:This session ended at 14:45
Description:Sooner or later many translators try to attract direct clients, rather than simply working for agencies. But service or manufacturing companies may know very little about translation. To avoid unrealistic expectations and receive a workable source document from these clients we translators must become educators and teach end clients about the translation process. This session will explore topics that should be covered with the client, explain how to frame that discussion and discuss how to handle issues that often arise, such as poor-quality source documents, unrealistic deadlines, text revisions after the translator started working on the text.
Speakers:Barbara Jungwirth
Barbara Jungwirth of reliable translations llc (www.reliable-translations.com) translates German technical and business documents into polished English appropriate for a specific audience. She also writes and edits technical content for global audiences. Barbara writes a blog, On Language and Translation (www.reliable-translations.com/blog), and tweets (@reliabletran). You can also connect with her on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/barbarajungwirth) and Xing (https://www.xing.com/profile/Barbara_Jungwirth3).

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Discussion for ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day session (2014): Managing client expectations
Boris Yanishevsky
Boris Yanishevsky
Local time: 08:15
English to Bulgarian
+ ...
Erors inthe source text Sep 30, 2014

Dear Barbara, I would like to ask the following question. What to do if I find in the source document an obvious mistake and have not direct contact with the customer. For instance a date in a Birth Certificate is wrong - instead of 1972 is written 1792. Suppose I succeed to have a phone contact with the customer and he says: O, yes, it's wrong please do it 1972. If I refuse there will be complaint that the translator is not cooperative. Is it wise to make compromises in the case that there is a... See more
Dear Barbara, I would like to ask the following question. What to do if I find in the source document an obvious mistake and have not direct contact with the customer. For instance a date in a Birth Certificate is wrong - instead of 1972 is written 1792. Suppose I succeed to have a phone contact with the customer and he says: O, yes, it's wrong please do it 1972. If I refuse there will be complaint that the translator is not cooperative. Is it wise to make compromises in the case that there is an obvious mistake?

Thanking you in advance for answering the stupid question.


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