Looking for a mentor or an apprenticeship program

Detay Afich
Demand - Akonpayman - Spain
Apatide: Juan Antonio Castán Abán
Afiche le:Oct 9, 2008
Anplasman: Spain
Deskripsyon:Hello translators, I just graduated in Translation and Interpreting in Spain. I am looking to get some experience and practical knowledge in professional translating by means of a mentorship, an apprenticeship or an internship. I am willing to working and learning in the translation field rather than getting myself to do any other job as teaching that I don't dislike. During my studies I specialized in humanities fields(literary, audiovisual, journalistic) and technical fields(industrial engineering, winemaking, environmental) and my particular interests are clean technologies, international cooperation, social economy, ecology, activism. I'd be very grateful if anyone helped me to get me started in the professional world, although I would need at least a minimum fee to cover my minimum living needs in exchange for maximum effort and engagement
Thanks for you attention
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