Yard Sale - Dictionaries German, English, Spanish

Detay Afich
Òf - Liv - Deutschland
Apatide: Pee Eff (X)
Afiche le:Jan 14, 2007
Anplasman: Deutschland, Düsseldorf
Deskripsyon:Romain/Bader/Byrd: Dictionary of Legal and Commercial Terms. EN-DE. 897 pages. 5th edition, 2000. Original price: 76 €. Will sell for 50 €.

Romain/Byrd/Thielecke: Wörterbuch der Rechts- und Wirtschaftssprache. DE-EN. 987 pages. 4th edition, 2002. Original price: 77 €. Will sell for 50 €.

Der kleine Eichborn - Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftsrecht. EN-DE. 939 pages. 4th edition 1997. Original price: 110 €. Will sell for 50 €.

Der große Eichborn - Wirtschaft, Recht, Verwaltung, Politik, Verkehr, Kommunikation. DE-EN. 1528 pages (very large format). 2nd edition, 1999. Original price: approx. 200 €. Will sell for: 80 €.

Collins English Dictionary. EN-EN. 1791 pages. With finger index. 3rd edition, 1995. Original Price: 28.50 £. Will sell for: 20 €.

Becher: Diccionario jurídco y económico. ES-DE. 1421 pages. 5th edition, 1999. Original price: 100 €. Will sell for 50 €.

Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch Spanisch. ES-DE, DE-ES. 640 pages. 9th edition, 1996. Original price: 40 €. Will sell for 20 €.

Creifelds Rechtswörterbuch. DE-DE. 1662 pages. 16th edition, 2000. Original price: 40 €. Will sell for 25 €.
Detay adisyonèl: All books are in a perfect condition. All are hardcovers, except Der kleine Eichborn. Payment via bank transfer (Euro zone) or Paypal. P&P: Will ship worldwide. Every shipment within Germany is 5.00 €. For shipments abroad I need to inquire. All prices are negotiable! Any questions, please feel free to contact me!
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