The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Food & Drink Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
Temperos concentrados em tabletes bouillon cubes
1 pires de chá de folhas verdes 1 teacup saucer of green leaf tea
2ª Pele second skin
a cada massada for each batch
a murro salt-baked potatoes or just baked potatoes
açúcar cristal granulated sugar
acessos distintos de entrada e saída separate entry and exit points
Achocolotado Pote 400g Chocolate milk mix 400g
acidulante acidulant
acompanhe serve with
Adega vats
Entered by: judith ryan
agridoce e não picante sweet and sour, not spicy
almofadas pillows
Entered by: Tania Pires
Amostra de Bife e Paio Samples of steak and smoked pork sausage
antimectante desiccant or drying agent
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
Após aberto, conservar no frio a 5º C Refrigerate at 5º C after opening
aproveitamento condicional conditional use
arac Arac
Arroz Pascal Passover/Paschal Rice
assado na brasa BBQ / barbecue / barbecued
auditorias de diagnose diagnostic audits
Água de Coco coconut water
é responsável pelo bom estado da visão e das mucosas \"Carrots can purify bile, help cure jaundice, improve vision and can lead to healthier skin and mucous membranes
balde ao pe bucket (pail) set on the floor
banana recheada (pastel de banana) banana-filled pastry
batata brava Spicy Potatoes..Spicy Portuguese Potatoes...
bater as claras em castelo beat egg whites to (form) stiff peaks
bebida seca spirits in tetra pack
Entered by: Mario Freitas
Biquinho (little/small) rubber nipple pepper
Entered by: Mario Freitas
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
boca de fogão burner
Entered by: Lynnea Hansen
bola de carne meat ball
Bolacha Maria Marie biscuit
Bolachinha de goma small cakes orbiscuits made from cassava gum
brassagem mashing
Entered by: Ana Vozone
Brigadeirão 350g 350g Chocolate pudding cake
Cação dogfish
caipirinha trifásica three-phase caipirinha
calador / tombador grain trier/bascule lift
capim paulistinha Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)
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