The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Government / Politics Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
balanceamento do quadrado do viés balancing squared-bias
Desenvolvimento com Inclusão pelo Direito e pela Renda devlopment with inclusion upon the guarantee of rights and income
etapa profissional professional endeavor
o imaginário vanguardista the avant-garde artistic perspective
testes de diferenças de médias tests of differences between means
via excepcional exceptional appeal
"Com a palavra (o senador)..." Senator (name) has the floor...
"Exmo senhor" - Exelentissimo senhor" - "convidar vossa excellencia" Dear Mayor xxx (form of salutation US English)
*A sua Senhoria*, Senhor XXXX To His Excellency, Senhor XXXX
*Diretoria de Ensino* - Regiao de Piracicaba (Government, Politics) Piracicaba Regional School Department
0 a esquerda waste of space
2o Ofício Extrajudicial 2nd extrajudicial notary office
37° Sub - Aclimação 37th Subdistrict - Aclimacao
A boca-de-urna é proibida. Political canvassing is forbidden
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
a cereja do bolo the icing on the cake
a não política anti-politics
a nebulosidade de gestão da coisa pública questionable management of public affairs
abertura politica political openness
abordagem paramétrica da regressão descontínua parametric approach of regression-discontinuity
acantonamento ... acanatonado cantonment ...cantonned
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Acervo collection
acolhimento outreach
adesão entry; admission
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
adido junto à legação attaché to the diplomatic mission
agentes a montante da fileira upstream agents
ajuizamento (action OU suit) filing
analogias prejudiciais or analogies that may be detrimental do the defendant
aparelhamento rigging
Aparelho do Estado State Apparatus
Apresentar Candidatura submit my application/run for president
Aprovação no mérito da proposição approval of the proposed legislation/legislative proposal based on its merits
assembléia municipal municipal assembly
Assento (Birth) record
assento parlamentar a seat in Parliament; a Parliamentary seat
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Assessoria de Comunicação e Assessor de Comunicação Communication Advisory/Consultancy and Communication Advisor/Consultant
Assessoria em Comunicação Pública Public Communications Advisory Services
assistencialismo/assistencialista welfare/welfarist/welfarism
ata de registro de preço Bidding Protocol
Entered by: ClayWWatson
atender (a clientes) to assist
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