Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 27 eng>ben 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... 1, 2, 3, ... Check Style Guide (for client ref.) pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '20 eng>mar pseudonymisation टोपणनाव तयार करण्याची प्रक्रिया pro open no
4 Dec 17 '19 eng>eng 246.18 Section of Statute dealing with disposal of funds pro closed ok
4 Jul 6 '19 eng>hin up-to-date अद्यतन जानकारीयुक्त pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '19 eng>hin Ok, so हाँ, तो pro closed no
4 Jun 24 '19 eng>hin tend to प्रवृत्ति होना / अभ्यस्त होना / आदी होना / देखना (here) pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '16 eng>eng Number (figure or words) Numbers for 1-10 and words for greater than 10 pro just_closed no
- Feb 10 '16 hin>eng Panchayat Minister Minister of Panchayati Raj (local self-government) pro closed no
4 Dec 26 '15 hin>eng तू तो हर समय खीसें निपोरते रहता है you have a very wide smile / don't grin like an idiot pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '15 eng>eng coming down from the rafters the real sports fans were in a frenzy, since the match was too exciting pro closed ok
4 Dec 15 '15 eng>eng Taking the easy outs easy ways / easy methods / easier options pro closed no
- Dec 11 '15 eng>eng When you get down in take a close look, to examine, to get really involved pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '15 eng>eng I bought into the story too with Accepted the story pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '15 eng>eng by 7 finished the race 7 seconds faster than him pro closed no
- Nov 10 '15 eng>eng to tap on open up, reach into, etc. [not in standard use] pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '15 eng>eng conjugate conjugate pro closed no
4 Oct 3 '15 eng>eng gotta go you better take away this trap / remove this trap easy closed ok
- Oct 2 '15 eng>eng And the jury’s actually out no decision has been made or the answer is not yet certain pro closed no
- Sep 24 '15 eng>hin Niche विशिष्टता, विशिष्ट पहचान (या सिर्फ 'पहचान') pro just_closed no
4 Sep 8 '15 eng>eng Rather taken aback somewhat surprised easy closed ok
- Aug 21 '15 fra>eng comme une baboye nothing pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '15 eng>eng transposition a permutation which exchanges two elements and keeps all others fixed easy closed no
- Jan 31 '15 eng>fas Brwon-skinned people with brown skin : a metaphor for race based on human skin colour easy just_closed no
- Feb 1 '15 eng>eng "how many days are in a week" how many days are is a week easy closed no
4 Jan 30 '15 eng>eng IN or ON the market? in (the market) pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '15 eng>eng without so much as requesting the floor audience / people sitting pro closed no
- Jan 13 '15 eng>eng The late no more alive/dead easy closed ok
- Dec 24 '14 eng>fra Pins and needles avoir des fourmis easy closed ok
- Dec 11 '14 eng>eng roll one's strength into a ball Collect all our strength together/concentrate our strength (energies) pro closed no
- Oct 7 '14 eng>eng I have used the Internet to make myself feel better when I was down past tense easy closed no
4 Jun 21 '14 eng>eng "...a squirrel feeder which has been sitting around unused for years" Yes easy closed no
- Jun 12 '14 eng>tur self-confessed itiraf eden / açıkça itiraf eden pro closed no
- Jun 2 '14 eng>eng at ___ location easy closed no
- Jun 1 '14 eng>hin subjective and objective विषय-परक और स्व-परक pro closed no
- Apr 3 '14 eng>eng antique clothing clothing and furniture, circa 1900 pro closed ok
- Mar 21 '14 eng>eng to do just that with food could have various meanings: see explanation pro closed no
- Mar 16 '14 eng>eng "Get to higher ground fast" become successful / improve quickly easy closed ok
- Feb 12 '14 eng>eng Through a channel A "person" who will interact with the patients easy closed no
- Dec 28 '13 eng>hin INTRANATION DIASPORA देश के भीतर pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '13 eng>eng few? three? small but indefinite number of things. easy closed ok
4 Nov 28 '13 deu>fra im Spitalalltag à l'hôpital tous les jours pro closed ok
- Nov 28 '13 eng>eng marquee technician a technician of exceptional skill and popularity pro just_closed no
- Nov 23 '13 eng>eng so that Both atatements are incorrect easy open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered