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SDL Trados Virtual event: Learn, discover & train with SDL experts

Jun 20, 2012

Group discussion

SDL Trados Sales & Support Chat Room

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Schedule:This session ended at 21:00

Have questions about purchasing SDL Trados? Chat live with SDL Trados sales and support team representatives throughout the 2012 virtual event.

People who signed up for this focus group:

How to use SDL Trados is what I am interested in, please guide me from start point - Nguyen Thai Vietnam. The same here

Dolgormaa Hersom
Dolgormaa Hersom
United States

Hello, if I buy Trados 2011 and then have trouble installing it, will I get any support from SDL, please?

AutoSuggest - is it continually included in a new Studio 2011 Freelance Version or not?
Jorinde Buck
Jorinde Buck
New Zealand

I want to know if AutoSuggest in Trados 2011 requires a minimum TM size in order to be used (as it does in 2009)? I find the feature extremely useful but limited due to this requirement.

Owner of Trados 6.5 (with dongle) needing to upgrade to SDL Trados Suite 2011 + and TermExtract tool
Roy Kamp
Roy Kamp

Is there a way to edit the AutoSuggest Dictionary generated from a TM? Thank you,
Maria Gutierrez
Maria Gutierrez
United States

Manmohan Kaur
Manmohan Kaur
United States

Hello Would like to learn the basic use of Trados.Have been following the instruction but I am not sure I am getting the most out of the program

Price and achat Trados 2011

How to use SDL Trados is what I am interested in, please guide me from start point

Some enhancement issues regarding analysing for Studio 2011
stengard (X)
stengard (X)

Hi there, trying to think the best way to buy my sdl trados 2011.

I currently use Wordfast. If I buy SDL Trados Studio 2011, can you guarantee that my TMs and glossaries created in Wordfast will be compatible? Second question re licensing: I work on both a PC and laptop. What are your licensing deals? If I replace one or other machine, can I transfer a licence?


Why was MultiTerm Extract included in 2009 and is not in 2011 ?

hi, I am entirely new to SDL Trados and am intending on learning from scratch. So any discussion at basic level would be very beneficial. Thanks
United Kingdom

Hi, I'd also like to know if Autosuggest is included in a normal upgrade version of Trados 2011. If not, can I also still buy just a kind of add-on for Trados 2009? Or what's the advantage of buying the Freelanc PLUS version?

What levels of customer support do you provide, how much do they cost and, as a freelance translator working mainly though agencies on Word, xml and pdf files, how can I decide what I need?

United Kingdom

I am thinking about getting Trados. I would have like to know if you provide written user guides to be able to use the tool quickly without attending a class. Second, when there are special offers for Trados, latly, there was always another thing proposed for the same price, something like autosuggest or some other tools. How do we know what is more interesting for us, in our daily use of cat tools

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