9,428 registrants

CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2016

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ProZ.com users -- in Bahrain -- registered for the event (5)
egosaibi Contact directly
Native in German Native in German, Arabic Native in Arabic
21 years of experience
naweedsaher Contact directly
Native in Urdu (Variant: Pakistan) Native in Urdu, Punjabi (Variant: Pakistani) Native in Punjabi
Bio: My name is Naweed Saher. I am a finance professional with more than 8 years of experience. Out of curiosity, I have recently started working on ProZ. Currently, I do not hold any experience of the community but I'm looking forward to this event to get some insights to s...
Message: Hello everyone.

First of all my congratulations to all who are part of this event in any way; the organizers, the experts and the community members. Looking forward to learning a lot with this leap forward in my career, to-be, as a translator.
Inquisitive Contact directly
Native in Russian Native in Russian
20 years of experience
Solangeh (X) Contact directly
Native in French Native in French, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES, OTHER-Certificate in Translation into Portuguese from the University of Toronto SOCS -, 9 years of experience