Best Google Chrome Extensions for writers and translators

By: Loie Favre

So you’re a professional writer or translator. Quality is an important measurable in our line of work, and when it’s lacking, it gets noticed. Mistakes can cost you a client. However, there are software solutions to help language professionals write better, find the right word, do more research, organize our work, and stay productive on top of it all. A lot can be achieved by adding plug-ins to your internet browser. Here are my top favorite, best Google Chrome Browser Extensions for writers and translators.

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Best Google Chrome Extensions for writers and translators
Ana Lydia García del Valle Méndez
Ana Lydia García del Valle Méndez  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:45
Member (2018)
Swedish to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks for the tips! Jan 26, 2021

I am also a Google person... Google probably knows more about me than myself, ha, ha...

I will try Thesaurus. I use the Reverso App for Windows a lot, so I'll try the extension. I love that with just two clicks, you can get help with translations and synonyms...


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