Translating for the Fishing Industry

Formats: Videos
Topics: Getting established in the translation industry
Technical & scientific documents translation
Services and specialization
Terminology management

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 90 minutes

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Summary:Modern fishing industry including aquaculture provides employment to over 500 million people globally. In this webinar the trainer will provide a general review of fishing industry as a source of potential job opportunities for translators and give examples of some documents and international projects where translators' services are in constant demand. A special attention will be given to sustainable fishing practices, Marine Stewardship Council and its ecolabel and fishery certification program. In the second part of the webinar we will focus on terminology issues related to fishing industry and availabale Internet resources for translators, compiling dictionaries and glossaries for your own use and publication.
Fish is an important source of protein as well as a wide variety of minerals and vitamins, including fatty acids. It plays an important part in the human diet and its positive impact on the human health is increasingly recognized all over the wold and it is a popular topic of numerous research projects. Fishery or catching fish is an ancient practice with at least 40,000 years history. Modern fishing industry including aquaculture provides employment to over 500 million people globally. In this webinar the trainer will provide a brief general overview of fishing industry as a source of potential job opportunities for translators and give examples of some documents and international projects where translators' services are in constant demand. A special attention will be given to sustainable fishing practices, Marine Stewardship Council and its ecolabel and fishery certification program. In the second part of the webinar we will focus on terminology issues related to fishing industry and availabale Internet resources for translators. We will also touch the issue of compiling dictionaries and glossaries for your own use and publication.
Target audience
This session can be interesting and useful to those who are making their first steps in fishery translation but also to those who specialize in fishery transaltion but understand the value of learning from others' experience. You are all very welcome!
Learning objectives
You will learn about:
-a brief overview of the general picture and the main trends of modern fishing industry
-the international organizations and programs related to fishing industry
-the areas of fishing industry where transaltors' services are in constant demand
-an example of sustainable fishing practices, Marine Stewardship Council and its ecolabel and fishery certification program.
-terminology issues related to fishing industry and availabale Internet resources for translators.
-compiling dictionaries and glossaries for your own use and publication.

You need to be a professional translator or an experienced professional in fisheries or adajcent areas with an excellent command of your native and target languages.
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* a brief overview of the general picture and the main trends of modern fishing industry
* the international organizations and programs related to fishing industry
* the areas of fishing industry where transaltors' services are in constant demand
*an example of sustainable fishing practices, Marine Stewardship Council and its ecolabel and fishery certification program.
*terminology issues related to fishing industry
*availabale Internet resources for translators.
*compiling dictionaries and glossaries for your own use and publication.

Registration and payment information (click to expand)
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Price: 25.00 USD
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Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording and handouts provided by the trainer.

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How do I access the video?

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How do I access handouts?

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Where can I find a certificate of attendance?

A certificate of attendance can be issued upon training completion and as per your request. A certificate of attendance can be downloaded at
Created by
 Anneta Vysotskaya    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Anneta Vysotskaya graduated the English Department of the Far Eastern State University (Vladivostok, Russia) in 1983. After working for one year as a school teacher she was invited to join the staff of the Scientific Information Department of the Institute of Marine Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She worked there for 20 years reaching the position of a leading translator. Her main expertise is in environmental, fisheries, food, health, medical and business translation. In 2004, she moved with her family to New Zealand and had to start as a freelance translator and interpreter practically from zero. She translated for many clients from all over the world. She also works as a community interpreter since 2005.

Аннета Высоцкая закончила отделение английской филологии Дальневосточного государственного университета в 1983 году. Около 20 лет работала штатным переводчиком в Институте биологии моря и журнала "Биология моря", в том числе ведущим переводчиком, а также переводила для других научных учреждений Российской академии наук. Выполняла переводы для Торгово-промышленной палаты. Она специализируется в переводе в области охраны природы, биологии, рыбного хозяйства, здравоохранения, медицины, пищевой промышленности, а также имеет большой опыт перевода во многих других областях. Неоднократно была переводчиком на международных научных конференциях. С 2004 году проживает в Новой Зеландии, активно работает переводчиком-фрилансером, оказывая переводческие услуги для клиентов в разных странах мира. С 2005 года занимается устным переводом в больницах и других учреждениях Новой Зеландии. С 2005 года занимается устным переводом в социальной сфере.