Pages in topic: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23] > | WATA's Historic Journey Thread poster: Amer al-Azem
| Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Saudi Arabia | May 13, 2003 |
أخي الحبيب عامر المحترم
السلام عليكم
\"جحافل المترجمين العرب تتقدم الصفوف ...أين المأمون؟\"
وصلتني رسالة بالعنوان أعلاه من مازن عليوي جريدة الوطن على إيميل لي لا يدعم اللغة العربية. أرجو تكرمكم بإعادة إرسالها لي على هذا الإيميل.
مع جزي... See more أخي الحبيب عامر المحترم
السلام عليكم
\"جحافل المترجمين العرب تتقدم الصفوف ...أين المأمون؟\"
وصلتني رسالة بالعنوان أعلاه من مازن عليوي جريدة الوطن على إيميل لي لا يدعم اللغة العربية. أرجو تكرمكم بإعادة إرسالها لي على هذا الإيميل.
مع جزيل الشكر و وافر التقدير،،،
مدير ادارة الترجمة
وزارة --------السعودية
لا بد لي أن أشكر الأخ مازن عليوي على مبادرته الأصيلة علما أنني لم اتشرف بمراسلته أو معرفته.
هؤلاء هم العرب المبادرون ..أروع بني البشر. نكرر ذلك دائما و سنكرر ما بقي روح في جسدنا الذي بدأ يصيبه الهزال !.
لكن أطمأنوا فالروح و المعنويات كما عهدتموها !
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-13 23:13] ▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of UAE | May 13, 2003 |
Dear Mrs Sawsan
I\'m a journalist working for Emarati magazine called \"Kul al usra\" and Im interested to know more details about arab translator project and mainly about the website and when it will be ready.
Thank you and wishing you all the best.
Inshallah soon Ya Rola.
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-13 23:05] | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Saudi Arabia | May 14, 2003 |
Thank you for contacting me. I believe I could
contribute effectively to WATA. Please tell me how?
Professor and Owner of Translation Office
أخي الدكتور.....،
نود شكرك على رسالتك الرائعة التي نشتم منها الخبرة و الاخلاص لكل جهد عربي مخلص لله. نحن نحتاج لكل من يساعد على حش�... See more Thank you for contacting me. I believe I could
contribute effectively to WATA. Please tell me how?
Professor and Owner of Translation Office
أخي الدكتور.....،
نود شكرك على رسالتك الرائعة التي نشتم منها الخبرة و الاخلاص لكل جهد عربي مخلص لله. نحن نحتاج لكل من يساعد على حشد الهمم و يلعب دوره الانساني و الاخلاقي و الديني للخروج بعمل يخدم ثقافتنا و تاريخنا.
نرجو منك الاطلاع على رسالتنا أدناه لعلك تستشعر ما نحن بحاجة إليه و ما تستطيع أن تقدمه بضمير مرتاح. نحتاج لكل أشكال الدعم المادي و المعنوي حتى نحقق ثورة حقيقة. نحن بالآلاف من أكثر من 50 دولة الان و قد شحذنا كل الهمم و اتصلنا بالجميع في كل أنحاء العالم لأننا لا نرمي لهدف شخصي أو غيره. ندعو الجميع ليلعب دوره الذي يجب أن يؤديه ابتغاء مرضاة الله عز و جل.
تأكد أن أيدينا نظيفة و نوايا مخلصة لله عز و جل.
و على أمل ان اسمع منك استودعك الله و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته،
مع كل الاحترام و التقدير،
▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Palestine | May 14, 2003 |
Dear Amer,
Thank you for your concern in sending to me information about your association. I have the honour to be a member in this association but what are the conditions for affiliation and what i have to send to you.
I also would like to apologize for not responding immediately because I did not have access to my e-mail during the last few days for technical reasons.
Best regards from Ramallah
Look forward to hearing from you <... See more Dear Amer,
Thank you for your concern in sending to me information about your association. I have the honour to be a member in this association but what are the conditions for affiliation and what i have to send to you.
I also would like to apologize for not responding immediately because I did not have access to my e-mail during the last few days for technical reasons.
Best regards from Ramallah
Look forward to hearing from you
ردا على رسالة:
أختي -------،
أشكرك على رسالتك و سلامي الحار للأخت إلين صليبا. و يسعدنا انضمام المترجمين و المترجمات الفلسطينيين للجمعية الدولية للمترجمين العرب. نحن أول جمعية دولية للمترجمين العرب. بإمكانك أن تزيد فرص عملك من البيت من خلال الالتحاق بموقع بروز حيث يشهد مناقصات يومية. و هو أضخم موقع للمترجمين في العالم حيث يضم أكثر من 30000 مترجم من كل لغات العالم.
نحن الآن في طور تأسيس الجمعية و بإمكانك الاطلاع على نشاطنا الحالي :
حيث سترين ملحمة كبيرة يسطرها المترجمون العرب. لهذا أدعوك لإعلام كل المترجمين الفلسطينيين الذين ، ربما ينقصهم التواصل العالمي لمتابعتنا حيث يقوم فريقنا الذي يضم العديد من الدول بتصميم الموقع. لو اطلعت جيدا على الرابط ستجدين كل شيء يتعلق بنا.
و من الجيد أن تنضمي لشبكة بروز و ستفتح لك أفاق تطور قدراتك.
على أمل أن اسمع منك، أتمنى لك كل التوفيق.
أخوك عامر
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-14 21:49] ▲ Collapse | |
Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of USA | May 14, 2003 |
Dear Amer,
I looked at your web site and read your messages. This is a commendable effort that is needed in order to pool the expertise of Arabic translators.
I would like to be a founding member. I have worked on translation on and off whenever my time allows it. I also teach a course on the translation theory and application with a focus on Arabic. In addition, I have been involved since 1998 in a project to develop a test for the certification of co... See more Dear Amer,
I looked at your web site and read your messages. This is a commendable effort that is needed in order to pool the expertise of Arabic translators.
I would like to be a founding member. I have worked on translation on and off whenever my time allows it. I also teach a course on the translation theory and application with a focus on Arabic. In addition, I have been involved since 1998 in a project to develop a test for the certification of court interpreters in the State of California.
Let me know if you need additional information. All the best.
Mahdi Alosh, Director
Arabic Language Program
The Ohio State University
Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
1735 Neil Avenue
203 Jennings Hall
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Associate Professor of Arabic and Applied Linguistics
Welcome on board Dr.Alosh. You expertise is highly needed for our association and projects. We look forward for you substantial contribution and engagement.
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-14 18:33] ▲ Collapse | | | Saleh Ayyub New Zealand Local time: 11:46 Member Arabic to English + ... Steps towards the future of translation | May 14, 2003 |
Dear brother Amer,
Really it is a wonderful and leading the steps you are taking along with other brothers and sisters, and it would be a real qualitative step towards improving the future of the translation, and upgrading its professional practices in the Arab countries and the world. Such a step was highly needed a long time ago, and really you deserve all the best financial support, and moral as well. We will not stop supporting you; and at any time you require any suppo... See more Dear brother Amer,
Really it is a wonderful and leading the steps you are taking along with other brothers and sisters, and it would be a real qualitative step towards improving the future of the translation, and upgrading its professional practices in the Arab countries and the world. Such a step was highly needed a long time ago, and really you deserve all the best financial support, and moral as well. We will not stop supporting you; and at any time you require any support and contribution from us shall be ready to do so without any hesitation. It is time for the Arab translators and interpreters to join each other in support of the globalization of their efforts and productivity.
May Allah bless you and guide you to the best interests of our common mission.
Saleh Ayyub
Auckland – New Zealand
▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER That is very kind of you, brother. | May 14, 2003 |
On 2003-05-14 18:47, sayyub wrote:
Dear brother Amer,
Really it is a wonderful and leading the steps you are taking along with other brothers and sisters, and it would be a real qualitative step towards improving the future of the translation, and upgrading its professional practices in the Arab countries and the world. Such a step was highly needed a long time ago, and really you deserve all the best f ... See more Quote:
On 2003-05-14 18:47, sayyub wrote:
Dear brother Amer,
Really it is a wonderful and leading the steps you are taking along with other brothers and sisters, and it would be a real qualitative step towards improving the future of the translation, and upgrading its professional practices in the Arab countries and the world. Such a step was highly needed a long time ago, and really you deserve all the best financial support, and moral as well. We will not stop supporting you; and at any time you require any support and contribution from us shall be ready to do so without any hesitation. It is time for the Arab translators and interpreters to join each other in support of the globalization of their efforts and productivity.
May Allah bless you and guide you to the best interests of our common mission.
Saleh Ayyub
Auckland – New Zealand
▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of USA | May 14, 2003 |
Dear Amer:
On the other hand, I do, and from my heart, hope you succeed in this grand endeavor.
Mark Katib,
Middle East Translation Services
1968 Heywood # F
Simi Valley, California 93065 USA
Tel: (805) 579-9121 ~ Fax: (603) 908-8920
Dear Mark,
Thank you for your kind gesture and message. I am glad to receive same.
Akhouk A... See more Dear Amer:
On the other hand, I do, and from my heart, hope you succeed in this grand endeavor.
Mark Katib,
Middle East Translation Services
1968 Heywood # F
Simi Valley, California 93065 USA
Tel: (805) 579-9121 ~ Fax: (603) 908-8920
Dear Mark,
Thank you for your kind gesture and message. I am glad to receive same.
Akhouk Amer
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-18 16:49] ▲ Collapse | |
Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Islamonline | May 15, 2003 |
السلام عليكم يا استاذة ولاء،
احب ان اعرفك بنفسى اولا انا ريهام محمد محرر مساعد لاستاذ حسام تمام محرر صفحة ثقافة وفن بموقع .
تصلنا رسائلكم عبر البريد الالكترونى للصفحة ونريد التواصل معكم ومعرفة نشاط الجمعية اكثر اتمنى ان تصلنى رسالتك فى اقرب و�... See more السلام عليكم يا استاذة ولاء،
احب ان اعرفك بنفسى اولا انا ريهام محمد محرر مساعد لاستاذ حسام تمام محرر صفحة ثقافة وفن بموقع .
تصلنا رسائلكم عبر البريد الالكترونى للصفحة ونريد التواصل معكم ومعرفة نشاط الجمعية اكثر اتمنى ان تصلنى رسالتك فى اقرب وقت لاهتمامنا بموضوع الترجمة واثراء حركة الترجمة العربية استسمحك ان تكون المعلومات بالعربية حتى يتم فهم المعلومات بشكل جيد
لعل هذه الرسالة تكون بداية خير للتعارف بيننا.
▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Team's spirit | May 18, 2003 |
Congratualtions Amer for all these fantastic efforts. You are doing a great exceptional job. It gives us all pride to be part of the executive bureau of Wata. Carry on without any hesitation. we are all with you.
Best regards
In response of my follow up about the latest updates and developments.This is the team\'s spirit our team has, we are all in one. | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Egypt | May 18, 2003 |
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
نشكركم على رسالتكم
و نرجو دوام التواصل
مع تحيات
قسم التفاعل الجماهيري
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-18 16:30] | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Egypt | May 18, 2003 |
Dear Mr. Amer ,
I hope everything is all right. I wish you many happy returns of the (moled el naby ).
I have good news, a week ago , I have received my first check through working on the net as a freelancer .. This gives me some energy which I am trying to use in two days:
First, finish my glossaries; second , send a tree diagram that may be helpful when building the infrastructure of the WATA site ..
I really hope yo... See more Dear Mr. Amer ,
I hope everything is all right. I wish you many happy returns of the (moled el naby ).
I have good news, a week ago , I have received my first check through working on the net as a freelancer .. This gives me some energy which I am trying to use in two days:
First, finish my glossaries; second , send a tree diagram that may be helpful when building the infrastructure of the WATA site ..
I really hope you are doing well , in your work , with your family and with your colleagues ..
Best Regards,
Thanks for such kind gesture. I am so glad that you are making money now I hope you keep making more money to so to have more energy to translate more glossaries! . However, I feel angry at money and suffering we have to go through to make a living. Damn Money! I have gone through harder times, man.
We will exert all possible efforts to reward our team, whether directly or indirectly, financially.
We always need your, and others’, input, once our site is initially launched inshallah. All should add their inputs and comments as the site and association is ours all.
Our site will be No.1 that gathers all concerned and sincere Arabs anywhere. This is unquestionable,you can take my word, brother!B-)
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-18 21:27] ▲ Collapse | |
Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Qatar | May 18, 2003 |
Dear Mr Amer Al-Azem, WATA, General Coordinator
I have read all the literature you sent to me about WATA. It’s a promising project, and will hopefully serve the Arab Nation and culture.
I would like to take part in the efforts of preparing the Arabic dictionary and Encyclopedia.
Dr -------------
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Thank you. You are such a nice friend, rea... See more Dear Mr Amer Al-Azem, WATA, General Coordinator
I have read all the literature you sent to me about WATA. It’s a promising project, and will hopefully serve the Arab Nation and culture.
I would like to take part in the efforts of preparing the Arabic dictionary and Encyclopedia.
Dr -------------
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Thank you. You are such a nice friend, really.
▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Message of Qatar | May 19, 2003 |
Hi Amer,
I was so glad to receive your email regarding the translation workshop that you are holding at the moment. Am glad that there is such activities and I would be so happy to be part of and I really want to know more about it indeed.
I am intrested to know how can i help in this project since I have a B.A in English literature and am working in a multinational corporation.
I will be looking forword to receiving from you very soon.
... See more Hi Amer,
I was so glad to receive your email regarding the translation workshop that you are holding at the moment. Am glad that there is such activities and I would be so happy to be part of and I really want to know more about it indeed.
I am intrested to know how can i help in this project since I have a B.A in English literature and am working in a multinational corporation.
I will be looking forword to receiving from you very soon.
▲ Collapse | | | Amer al-Azem Palestine Local time: 01:46 English to Arabic + ... TOPIC STARTER Academic Coordinator of WATA - Dr. Fayez Taha | May 19, 2003 |
We are glad that Dr. Fayez Taha, Associate Professor of Linguistics is the Academic Coodinator of WATA.
Check this link to know more about Dr. Fayez:
[ This Message was edited by: Amer on 2003-05-20 04:57] | | | Pages in topic: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » WATA's Historic Journey Anycount & Translation Office 3000 | Translation Office 3000
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