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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies) Thread poster: chance (X)
Jason Ma China Local time: 18:25 English to Chinese + ...
lai an 所说的从贵德到中卫黄河沿岸上千个水车转动的情景可谓壮观啊。可惜都成历史了。
英国人把他们的derelict mill(废弃的水磨坊)保护的相当不错。而我们的水车却少而又少。
[Edited at 2008-04-08 10:17] | | |
Tang Dynasty Chang'an | Apr 12, 2008 |
Jason Ma wrote:
[Edited at 2008-04-07 15:50]
王永宽等,'祖国',中国青年出版社,北京,1983 | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwan Local time: 18:25 English to Chinese + ... North County | Apr 12, 2008 |對抗性侵犯
这部片子在台湾和香港都上映过,HBO不断回放。这部电影是根据真人真事撰写的一部小说改编的,非常值得观赏。故事述叙发生在美国明尼苏达州矿场女工集体性骚扰的事件,当时钢铁公司为免受两性平等之法律约束 (未雇用一定比率之女性,... See more對抗性侵犯
这部片子在台湾和香港都上映过,HBO不断回放。这部电影是根据真人真事撰写的一部小说改编的,非常值得观赏。故事述叙发生在美国明尼苏达州矿场女工集体性骚扰的事件,当时钢铁公司为免受两性平等之法律约束 (未雇用一定比率之女性,需付出罚金),开始进用女性员工,但大部分的男性矿工对女性矿工都充满了敌意及轻蔑,且长期性的将对她们之性骚扰性为常态,而公司高阶默许亦不处理女性员工申诉。性骚扰之层面不仅语言,亦含直接动作。书中女主角在矿场工作九年,历经九年的忍耐压抑后,终于受不了其上司对其的骚扰,且其向公司反映而无结果后,决定聘请律师对钢铁公司展开法律行为。由于这是一场集体的性骚扰,并非单一的受害者或加害者,故律师决定提出美国史上第一件性骚扰集体诉讼。
事实上,电影的剧情正好把Martin Niemöller说的倒反过来:"When they came for the Jews, I said nothing because I was not a Jew. When they came for the Communists, I said nothing because I am not a Communist. When they came for the Gypsys, I said nothing because I was not a Gypsy. When they came for the Poles, I said nothing because I am not a Pole. When they came for me, no one said anything because there was no one left to speak." 由于受到不平待遇的那些女性员工,以及知情的那些男性员工,都在法庭上站起来表示支持那位勇敢打这场官司的女性员工,所以才奠定了今日在美国对于职场性骚扰不平待遇的申诉制度。
权利从来不是从天上掉下来的,也不是“人上人”赏赐给平民百姓的,而是平民百姓自己要有觉醒,不逃避个人责任而努力争取得来的。Eric Hoffer的思想很值得参考:
Those who lack the capacity to achieve much in an atmosphere of freedom will clamor for power.
Unless a man has talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden. Of what avail is freedom to choose if the self be ineffectual? We join a mass movement to escape individual responsibility, or, in the words of the ardent young Nazi, "to be free from freedom."
The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do.
Absolute power corrupts even when exercised for humane purposes. The benevolent despot who sees himself as a shepherd of the people still demands from others the submissiveness of sheep.
It has often been said that power corrupts. But it is perhaps equally important to realize that weakness, too, corrupts. Power corrupts the few, while weakness corrupts the many. Hatred, malice, rudeness, intolerance, and suspicion are the faults of weakness. The resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them but from their sense of inadequacy and impotence. We cannot win the weak by sharing our wealth with them. They feel our generosity as oppression.
Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both. ▲ Collapse | |
isahuang Local time: 05:25 English to Chinese + ... The Forbidden Kingdom tops the box office here this weekend | Apr 20, 2008 |
I saw it on Friday. Not as good as I expected. But the two Chinese actress are gorgeous. What surprised me is Liu Yifei and Li Bingbing speak very good English. It doesn't sound like it was dubbed. But I might be wrong. One teen boy sitting next to me said she is so beautiful referring to Liu Yifei. | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 04:25 Chinese to English + ... The important thing | Apr 20, 2008 |
isahuang wrote:
I saw it on Friday. Not as good as I expected. But the two Chinese actress are gorgeous. What surprised me is Liu Yifei and Li Bingbing speak very good English. It doesn't sound like it was dubbed. But I might be wrong. One teen boy sitting next to me said she is so beautiful referring to Liu Yifei.
Very impressive. But how was their acting? | | |
isahuang Local time: 05:25 English to Chinese + ... Well, talking of acting, | Apr 20, 2008 |
wherestip wrote:
isahuang wrote:
I saw it on Friday. Not as good as I expected. But the two Chinese actress are gorgeous. What surprised me is Liu Yifei and Li Bingbing speak very good English. It doesn't sound like it was dubbed. But I might be wrong. One teen boy sitting next to me said she is so beautiful referring to Liu Yifei.
Very impressive. But how was their acting?
李连杰演的孙悟空有点可怕。可能是看不惯。不过他还挺有演猴戏的天分,推荐他去演新版西游记。Actually the movie is just so so, but you know when there is a new movie by Jet Li or Jackey Chan, (this time by both), I feel obligated to go to see it. | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 04:25 Chinese to English + ...
isahuang wrote:
李连杰演的孙悟空有点可怕。可能是看不惯。不过他还挺有演猴戏的天分,推荐他去演新版西游记。Actually the movie is just so so, but you know when there is a new movie by Jet Li or Jackey Chan, (this time by both), I feel obligated to go to see it.
I had to look that up.
Well, better Jet Li than Jackie Chan. At least I can imagine him playing such a part.
What I meant to ask you was how was the acting of the two girls you were so full of praises of? Are they any potential Zhang Ziyi's? | |
isahuang Local time: 05:25 English to Chinese + ... 李连杰 = Jet Li | Apr 20, 2008 |
wherestip wrote:
isahuang wrote:
李连杰演的孙悟空有点可怕。可能是看不惯。不过他还挺有演猴戏的天分,推荐他去演新版西游记。Actually the movie is just so so, but you know when there is a new movie by Jet Li or Jackey Chan, (this time by both), I feel obligated to go to see it.
I had to look that up.
Well, better Jet Li than Jackie Chan. At least I can imagine him playing such a part.
What I meant to ask you was how was the acting of the two girls you were so full of praises of? Are they any potential Zhang Ziyi's?
the roles they are playing don't offer much to act on. Its just a martial arts story. the two MM are playing supporting roles. If they want to surpass Zhang Ziyi, they need good stories. Personally, I think they are too pretty to become famous here. Both are better looking than Zhang by Chinese standards. Don't you think the westerners have a unique taste when it comes to Asian ladies?
[Edited at 2008-04-20 23:37] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 04:25 Chinese to English + ...
isahuang wrote:
Don't you think the westerners have a unique taste when it comes to Asian ladies?
"Exotic" is the word they like to use. | | |
traiston Australia Local time: 21:25 English to Chinese + ... |
traiston Australia Local time: 21:25 English to Chinese + ...
令人搞笑的是男主人公居然是《老无所依》里的那个手提着气罐四处杀人的冷面杀手。看他西装革履的还真是有些接受不了。 | |
jyuan_us United States Local time: 05:25 Member (2005) English to Chinese + ... 伊薩黃﹐我推薦他們看這部電影時你還沒來呢 | Apr 28, 2008 |
[Edited at 2008-04-28 15:07] | | |
jyuan_us United States Local time: 05:25 Member (2005) English to Chinese + ... 剛買來了士兵突擊﹐ 闖關東兩部 | Apr 28, 2008 |
想買集結號還沒買到。還在找。 | | |
Jason Ma China Local time: 18:25 English to Chinese + ... |
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