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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Thread poster: chance (X)
wherestip United States Local time: 00:31 Chinese to English + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 00:31 English to Chinese + ... |
Jinhang Wang China Local time: 14:31 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 00:31 English to Chinese + ...
那女孩在服毒后不久曾呕吐,这有利于减轻中毒程度。她撑了18天之后才去世,这说明她中毒并非十分严重。百草枯固然剧毒,但据报道,当中毒剂量在15 mL以下时还是有希望救活的。这种事情若是发生在垂死的、腐朽的资本主义国家里,医院是绝不敢因病人没钱而拒之门外的,必须全力以赴地抢救。最后,病人家属也许付不起巨额账单,但这条命是必须救的。至于最后谁来埋单,那又是另一回事。
[Edited at 2014-06-14 16:06 GMT] | |
wherestip United States Local time: 00:31 Chinese to English + ... Unpaid Medical Bills | Jun 14, 2014 |
ysun wrote:
那女孩在服毒后不久曾呕吐。这有利于减轻中毒程度。她撑了18天之后才去世。这说明她中毒并非十分严重。百枯草固然剧毒,但据报道,当中毒剂量在15 mL以下时还是有希望救活的。这种事情若是发生在垂死的、腐朽的资本主义国家里,医院是绝不敢因病人没钱而拒之门外的,必须全力以赴地抢救。最后,病人家属也许付不起巨额账单,但这条命是必须救的。至于最后谁来埋单,那又是另一回事。
Indeed. Hospitals and medical professionals are obligated to save people's lives over here; there's just no way they would let a patient like that die if the symptoms weren't fatal.
Uncollectible healthcare bills are typically written off by the hospitals over here. Ultimately, the ever-escalating insurance cost saddled onto the everyday consumer (taxpayer) pays for it. | | |
hj58 Local time: 14:31 English 把 dragon 音译为“杜拉更”即可 | Jun 17, 2014 |
ysun wrote:
如果规定“龙”必须译为Loong,但不知将dragon 译成中文时应该如何译?难道译成“魔”?:D
把 dragon 音译为“杜拉更”即可,像“美杜莎”、“撒旦”等等一样。 | | |
hj58 Local time: 14:31 English 一点也不麻烦,反而能够因为出版新版本辞典而赚钱。 | Jun 17, 2014 |
ysun wrote:
一旦loong 进了《牛津字典》,就又产生了一个新问题,就是dragon不能再译为“龙”了,于是所有的英汉词典、汉英词典都得修改。这似乎是中国人自找麻烦。:D
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请教大家,与翻译相比,一般译审是如何收费啊?我怕不会定价,把客人吓跑了。 | |
Jinhang Wang China Local time: 14:31 English to Chinese + ...
cxyz wrote:
对于欧美客户, 25-35 美元/小时;0.04-0.06 美元/单词。
对于不同经济发展水平的国家的客户收费会有所差异。 | | |
ysun United States Local time: 00:31 English to Chinese + ...
hj58 wrote:
ysun wrote:
一旦loong 进了《牛津字典》,就又产生了一个新问题,就是dragon不能再译为“龙”了,于是所有的英汉词典、汉英词典都得修改。这似乎是中国人自找麻烦。:D
在你引用的我那句话前面,还有一句话:“loong 进《牛津字典》,恐怕得等它被西方普遍接受了才行”。这是个前提。
所以,"loong" 也好,“杜拉更”也好,关键是得被人普遍接受才行,不是靠行政命令规定就可以实行的。新闻出版总署规定:“在汉语出版物中,禁止出现随意夹带使用英文单词或字母缩写等外国语言文字;禁止生造非中非外、含义不清的词语;禁止任意增减外文字母、颠倒词序等违反语言规范现象”,不是也行不通吗? | | |
J.H. Wang wrote:
cxyz wrote:
对于欧美客户, 25-35 美元/小时;0.04-0.06 美元/单词。
非常感谢! | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 00:31 Chinese to English + ... Public Transportation | Jun 21, 2014 |
Just as I used the Chinese social trend of "driving is in, cycling is out" as an example in another thread, the current issue of "FORTUNE" arrived in the mail.
Guess what one of the feature articles in this issue was? ...
The End of Driving (as We Know It)
- Michal Lev-Ram
What’s (ahem) driving the trend? The rise of a new kind of city living–and working–is a big factor. Young professionals, including those with families, are increasingly opting for urban life. And cities, even Los Angeles, are responding with new or improved public-transportation systems, bike-sharing programs, and more pedestrian-friendly thoroughfares. Companies, in turn, are moving back to cities or opening satellite offices downtown to be close to the talent.
In addition to bike lanes throughout the city’s main roads, the “new” Santa Monica is overhauling its bus system and widening sidewalks. More significantly, a light-rail line, scheduled to open by early 2016, will connect downtown Los Angeles and the coastal city of Santa Monica for the first time. The so-called Subway to the Sea will allow Angelenos to make the normally hellish trek in about 45 minutes–yes, even during rush hour. “We’re realistic,” says Stefan as she shows me the soon-to-be-operational Colorado Avenue light-rail station, where men in hardhats are still laying down track. “We’re trying to shepherd transition in a reasonable way.”
Santa Monica says it has already seen a 67% increase in walking and biking across the city. Of course, not everyone is a fan of the changes; some residents and businesses have fought to open more auto lanes rather than invest in alternative transportation or bigger sidewalks. But ultimately, over the past few years both the money and votes have come out in favor of making the city more walkable. The same trend is taking place across the larger L.A. region, where the percentage of people who walked, biked, or took public transportation to work instead of driving has doubled, to 22%, since 2001, according to a survey conducted by the California Department of Transportation. Driving, meanwhile, has fallen 12%. “There is a very strong movement toward living, working, socializing, and entertaining closer to home,” says Rick Caruso, a California real estate developer. “If you don’t have to get into a car, it’s golden.” (The real estate tycoon, who owns the Grove entertainment and retail complex in central L.A., says 30% of traffic to the popular shopping destination is by foot.)
[Edited at 2014-06-21 18:54 GMT] | |
ysun United States Local time: 00:31 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 00:31 English to Chinese + ... |
pkchan United States Local time: 01:31 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
原來這句佶屈聱牙的話是譯文。原文是with a figure of perfect... See more 戴天和董橋先後在美國新聞處任職,負責中譯美國文學來稿。如果他們在閱稿過程中看到像「大規模的十分秀麗的體態」這樣的一個句子,一定會反胃,因為一來這不太像中文,二來在句子中出現的形象很難組合。體態「秀麗」聽來已怪怪的,但還可以接受。但體態「大規模」是不是「大塊頭」?真不敢想像。
原來這句佶屈聱牙的話是譯文。原文是with a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale,語出霍桑名著《紅字》,小說中體態「大塊頭」的女子是犯了通姦罪的Hester Prynne,她在我們的想像中一向是個美人。我是從童元方〈丹青難寫是精神──論梁實秋譯《咆哮山莊》與傅東華譯《紅字》〉得到這條資料的。
傅東華曾任復旦大學中文系教授,譯作不少。我相信,如果《紅字》不是他的譯文,這位中文系教授絕對不會把一個女子的體態描繪為「大塊頭」的。為了求方便,也因為自己也無法肯定Hester Prynne的「塊頭」究竟多「大」,傅東華只好把on a large scale「硬譯」出來。
童元方教授所舉的翻譯「怪胎」還有這一款:「純潔興奮的空氣」。原文:Pure, bracing ventilation,出自Emily Bronte小說《咆哮山莊》。譯者是莎士比亞專家梁實秋教授。空氣「純潔」的意思我們懂,但我們通常只說空氣「清新」。Bracing呢,應該是「教人精神一爽」吧,絕對不會說「興奮的空氣」。
梁實秋的《雅舍小品》文字流麗如金風玉露。這種身手一用於翻譯就束縛重重。所謂「直譯」,用魯迅的話來說,就是「盡量保存洋氣」。這種論調,不再時髦,因為我們的生活與語言早已洋氣十足。一九五八年今日世界出版社給當時的台大外文系教授夏濟安出版了兩卷中英對照的美國《名家散文選讀》。董橋曾經對我說過,夏先生的翻譯,他特別欣賞霍桑的〈古屋雜憶〉(The Old Manse)這一篇,因為讀來不像翻譯,而是一篇古雅的散文。
Houses of any antiquity in New England are so invariably possessed with spirits that the matter seems hardly worth alluding to. Our ghost used to heave deep sighs in a particular corner of the parlor,...
細心讀者把兩種文字一字一句的比對一番後,說不定會覺得像「不清不白」和「事情雖怪」是多餘的話。So invariably possessed的另一個譯法可以是「絕無例外,家家鬧鬼」。「事情雖怪」是譯者消化so invariably後衍生出來的「過場句子」,在不損原義下讓行文更流暢一點。夏濟安先生對翻譯的理念,自然在跟捧着英漢辭典直譯、硬譯的minimalist大相徑庭。讀翻譯作品,如果要「啃」那真是自找苦吃。2014年12月5日 ▲ Collapse | | |
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